Providing SERVICES...…Supporting ORGANIZATIONS…Empowering PEOPLE…Serving COMMUNITIES. We provide and Equip Businesses, Churches/Faith-Based Groups/Ministries, Non-Profits, For-Profits, Professionals, Associations, Clubs, Students, Local Communities (Youth, Families, Individuals, less Privileged) with Service, Management, Resources, Knowledge & Empowerment. "Resource, Ability & Knowledge is Power for Service"
BCM Inc. (Bethel Charismatique Ministries Incorporated) is equpped with qualified SMEs & seasoned professionals in various fields: Business Administration & Management, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Pastoral, Educational, Certified Medication & Geriatric Nursing/Family Support & More.
BCM Management Services is an branch of Bethel Charismatique Ministries Incorporated (BCM Inc.) a non-profit organization, established in Dec. 2004 in the State of Maryland, for charitable, socio-economical, educational, religious/church-related activities, professional & scientific purposes.
BCM Inc. is supported by free will donations, gifts from its partners & supporters, funds raised/ generated from events, sales & activities and non profit rates charged from its clients for professional services rendered.
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Available: Free consultations, Award-winning service, Service Guarantee